Thursday, May 17, 2012

1,111 + 1,277 miles – or 1,788 + 2,055 km – a long and winding road...

Back from a glorious road trip down Scotland and England, and across France into almost the heartland of Switzerland, using motorways, A-roads, B-roads and two different international ferries, from Dover to Calais, and from Cherbourg to Portsmouth.
Caught up with family, friends, business contacts, celebrated old and young lives, grieved with an old friend for the loss of a son in his early twenties, felt proud of my Mum for having braved and recovering well from a year of major surgery including a new knee joint.
Last but not least, rejoiced in the sounds, smells and colours of spring and early summer.
The palette was bright yellow, yellow-orange, bright red, pale purple, pale blue, bright blue, every hue of green under the sun, every hue of grey in the sky, every shade of white, cream and pale pink on shrubs and trees that one can imagine. And every now and then there was a splash of bright, almost screaming pink – azaleas and rhododendrons and fresh-leaved blood beech.
Glad to be home, a bit tired, and needing to catch up.
Hoping to post some photos here, soon, or on flickr. Sadly, I'll never be able to bring you the scent of a field of rapeseed in full bloom, or that of pale lilac...
Still, watch this space if you will...

1 comment:

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