Friday, July 15, 2011

Oban's 200th birthday this July 2011 – Guinness World Record attempt at the biggest Strip the Willow ever


As part of Oban's Bicentennial Celebrations, we are attempting a Guinness World Record at the biggest Strip the Willow ever – 2000 people dancing!

This event will take place on

Saturday 16th July 2011 at 6.30pm
starting at Station Square and continuing down the Esplanade in Oban.
Everyone who wants to be involved can fill in a registration form - just click on 'Register' above.
Please circulate this amongst your family, friends, colleagues and anyone else you know who may wish to take part. Registration forms can be completed and e-mailed back to
Please contact us the same way if you have any printed copies of the registration form and you live in the Oban area and we will collect them.
All those participating must register their attendance on the day BEFORE the dance begins at 6.30pm so we can accurately count the dancers. Please come to The Big Strip registration desks in Station Square from 12 noon to receive your unique number which must be worn during the dance - which will last approximately six minutes and will be in sets of eight rather than Orcadian!!
Festive Oban – Photo: MPJ, 13 July 2011
Tell all your friends and family and remember - WE'RE ASKIN': YOU'RE DANCIN'!!

Our Sponsor: MacQueen Brothers' Charitable Trust
The newest benevolent charity to be opened in Oban, MacQueen Brothers run a shop in Oban's White Building.  

1 comment:

Margaret Powell - happy out at sea... said...

The official count's still out but looks like we made it. And it was such a buzz with all the people in the Station Square and all along the Harbour front in George Street! Massive fun!