Saturday, May 03, 2008


Hello again!
Saturday evening and it’s a gorgeous day out there, with some cloud but the evening sun lighting up the old part of the city. I’ve been soooo lucky with everything in the last few days. Bar the internet hookup hickup last week everything has gone very smoothly so far.
I’m in a rush to get everything ready for when my relatives come tomorrow morning to collect my big old wardrobe and two bookshelves as well as my old stereo. The flat will feel really empty then, with almost all the furniture gone except what I’m taking with me to Scotland. But it’ll make life much easier for the removalists.
Keep fingers crossed that all will go well with the big piece (the wardrobe is really much too big for the staircase, even in its individual components) tomorrow. And that I’ll be ready when everyone arrives.
It’s been a fantastic experience. One should move house and relocate at least every five years or so. That way it would be much harder to accumulate too much stuff.
But I've had fun letting go of many valued possessions -- hundreds of books have found new homes, and pots and plants and dishes and pieces of furniture. My friends and companions have been exceedingly generous: I've been able to send a nice little sum to each of my favourite human rights NGOs, i.e. pbi – Peace Brigades International – and ask! – Arbeitsgruppe Schweiz-Kolumbien. (For anyone wishing to donate: go to their websites: or and -- thank you!)

I've lost weight in the process, grown muscles on my legs and arms, feel totally fit and healthy, have been sleeping better than ever -- this is an adventure that seems to agree with me. I must be one big adrenalin junkie...
Mind you, not all is easy. I went to say good-bye to my writing friends today and that was really hard. Almost as hard as saying good-bye to my parents and brothers and sisters-in-law and niece and nephews. I will really miss everyone! But many of them have promised to visit. And anyway, it's not as if Oban was on the other side of the globe. But it will be too far for some of my older, frailer friends to come and see me out there.

Here's hoping the last few days will go well.
Finally, guess what this photo shows...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Margaret

Ich hoffe, dein Umzug ging ok über die Bühne...
Alles Gute für deinen Start in Oban!

Love, Christian & Maja

PS: Deine Topfpflanze macht sich gut auf unserer Terrasse!